Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question for Appalachian Power? Choose one of the topics below to view our FAQs.

Home Performance Program

What is the Home Performance Program?

The Home Performance program is designed to give you an easy pathway to an energy efficient home. A Home Performance Energy Advisor will visit your home to perform an energy assessment at no cost to identify and score key areas of your home based on a 0-10 energy efficiency scale.

A score of 10 means you’ve reached max efficiency! Scores are combined into a Home Performance Report and if needed, upgrade recommendations are incorporated to increase your home’s energy efficiency until a max score of 10 is achieved.

Who is eligible for the Home Performance Program?

The Home Performance Program is available to single-family homeowners served by Appalachian Power West Virginia. All owner occupied, single-family residential detached home customers, including mobile homes and duplexes, or single-family non-owner occupied residential detached homes where the electrical service is in the occupant’s name and with a signed agreement to participate from the owner. Town homes, apartments and commercial customers are not eligible. Homes that are not heated with electricity can receive a Home Energy Assessment (HEA), but they do not qualify for a rebate if additional measures are installed.

Why assign a “score” to a home?

The score is a visible symbol and reward for the progress made. This is regardless of whether the homeowner’s individual path to a score of 10 happens quickly or over a period of time.

What is a Home Energy Assessment (HEA)?

A home energy assessment can help you understand how much energy your home uses and evaluate what steps you can take to improve efficiency. A professionally trained energy advisor will come to your home and gather information on the current condition of the home, air conditioning and heating systems, appliances and how you use energy in the home. All information will be analyzed and presented to you at the time of the assessment.

Why would I want to complete a Home Energy Assessment (HEA)?

An Appalachian Power-certified Home Performance Energy Advisor can provide you with valuable information on how your home performs when it comes to energy savings. You might qualify for rebates if you choose to perform upgrades with a contractor within our network and your home is heated with electricity.

Is a Home Energy Assessment (HEA) worth it?

Yes. As an example, heating and cooling can make up approximately 40% of your electric bill. For every air or duct leak you seal, you keep the warm or cold air produced inside your home from leaking to the outside, saving you money in heating and cooling bills and improving your comfort level. An HEA helps identify these types of issues and other areas of your home where you are wasting energy.

How do I sign up for a Home Energy Assessment?

Customers can sign up here or by calling our call center at 888-261-4567 and speaking with a customer service representative.

What can I expect from a Home Energy Assessment (HEA)?

The Home Performance Energy Advisor will review the history of your home, such as age, construction type, size, etc. If you are unsure, the advisor can help determine this information. 

The energy advisor will conduct a visual assessment which may include going into the attic and examining dark corners of your roof and basement carefully. 

The advisor will use the buildup of moisture as a measuring stick — if there’s condensation on the inside of your house, chances are you’ve got an energy leak. 

The advisor also will check your insulation, which may reveal weaknesses in the barrier and, in some cases, a lack of insulation altogether. An inspection of your heating system and stoves will be performed to determine whether duct cleaning or tune-ups are needed. 

Throughout most of this time you will be very much involved and are encouraged to accompany the advisor as your home is inspected from top to bottom. This allows you to bring problems to the attention of the advisor that you may have forgot to mention and allows him or her to point out things as we go. 

Following the thorough walk-through, the advisor will sit down with you and review the findings. You will receive a Home Performance Report which will illustrate approximately how much you spend on each energy-use source in your home. If it runs on electricity, we will determine what it costs you based on your personal usage, not just an average. 

The advisor will also review with you the amount of heating fuel you use. Once the Home Energy Assessment (HEA) is complete, you will have a greater understanding of how energy is used in your home. Most importantly, you will have recommendations on how to improve the efficiency of your home and any rebates for which you may qualify.

Are there any charges (or hidden charges) involved with the Home Energy Assessment?

No. The Home Energy Assessment, along with the instant savings measures, are free of charge to Appalachian Power customers.

Will the improvements be made the same day as my Home Energy Assessment?

Yes, the Home Performance Energy Advisor will complete the installation of the energy saving measures the same day during an in-home assessment. Recommendations for more extensive follow-up energy conservation measures will be scheduled by you with an approved Appalachian Power contractor.

What will the Home Performance Energy Advisor inspect as part of the Home Energy Assessment?

There are 10 areas of your home the Home Performance Energy Advisor will assess, including attic insulation, duct systems, air sealing, wall insulation, lighting, heating and cooling systems, appliances and electronics, water heating, refrigerator and windows and doors.

Appalachian Power wants to make you aware of how much energy is being wasted in your home, and what you can do to reduce your energy consumption.

A Home Energy Assessment (HEA) takes stock of the energy consumption in your home. It’s one of the first steps you can take to understand your home’s energy usage, airflow and the functionality and efficiency of your heating and cooling systems. The Home Performance Energy Advisor will also take photos of the key areas of your home to document any needed energy improvements.

Where will the Home Performance Energy Advisor need access to during the Home Energy Assessment?

The Home Performance Energy Advisor will need access to every room in the home excluding closets (unless there is a hole in the closet wall that is allowing outside air to infiltrate the interior of the home), the exterior of the home, the attic, and the basement and/or crawlspace. The advisor will also take photos of the key areas of your home to document any needed energy improvements.

What do homeowners need to do to prepare for a Home Energy Assessment?

The homeowner will need to relocate items that may prohibit access to the areas listed above. We also ask that all pets are restrained for their safety, as well as the safety of the Home Performance Energy Advisor.

How long will the Home Energy Assessment take?

The Home Energy Assessment should take between one and a half to two hours for the average home.

Who conducts the Home Energy Assessment?

Appalachian Power has qualified Home Performance Energy Advisors to conduct Home Energy Assessments (HEA) at no charge to the customer. The Home Performance Energy Advisor will conduct the HEA and perform the installation of appropriate energy efficiency measures at no charge. Each Home Performance Energy Advisor carries an Appalachian Power identification badge.

I will not be available for the visit. Can someone else be there instead?

Yes, but an agreement to participate must be signed by you and whoever you choose to be present at the time of the Home Energy Assessment. This agreement must be available at the time of visit.

How can I trust the advisor you are sending?

The Home Performance Energy Advisors are background checked certified home inspectors, with an Appalachian Power identification badge.

What is the Home Performance Report?

The Home Performance Report is a part of the Home Energy Assessment (HEA) and defines a clear path for the individual homeowner to reach a score of 10. The report includes photos of the areas evaluated and a customized list of what to do to make an individual home as energy efficient as possible.

When will I receive my Home Performance Report?

The Home Performance Energy Advisor will review the report with you immediately after the in-home Home Energy Assessment (HEA) is completed and you will receive a copy for your files. In the unlikely event the Home Performance Report cannot be reviewed the day of the HEA, the Home Performance Energy Advisor will contact and review the report with you within five business days.

The report will provide information on additional energy improvements that can be made and will be left with you following the HEA and improvements.

What is the Home Performance customer portal (website)?

The Home Performance customer portal is a secure program website that serves as a point of entry for program participation, data collection and reporting. Click here to access the portal.

Will homeowners receive a copy of their Home Performance Report?

Yes. The Home Performance Energy Advisor will review the results of the Home Performance Report at the end of the assessment. At that point, all data will be available to the homeowner on the Home Performance customer portal or available to be mailed or emailed upon request.

How long will customers have to make recommended upgrades on their home?

Energy upgrades can be made at any time over the life of the program. The Home Performance Program was designed to allow for continuous improvement on the homeowner’s path to a Home Performance of 10, whether that happens quickly or over a period of time.

Does the rebate go to the contractor or the customer?

The rebate is paid directly to the customer, after it has been submitted and managed by the contractor.

Can a customer complete the rebate application online?

Only an approved contractor can complete an online application for a Home Performance rebate.

How many times may the homeowner be eligible to receive a Home Performance rebate?

Homeowners can only receive one rebate per qualifying energy improvement throughout their path to achieve a score of 10.

Is there a deadline to apply for the rebate incentives?

The contractor must submit the rebate form within 45 days of completing energy-saving improvements. The rebate must be inspected by a Home Performance Energy Advisor within 90 days from the date of installation.

Can a landlord who owns several homes enroll all of their homes in the Home Performance Program?

Yes, as long as the homes are single-family homes and both the landlord and tenant sign the Agreement to Participate for every home. Please note, you will need a separate login and password for each electric account.

If the work on a home is self-installed, may this work qualify for a rebate?

No, self-installed work is not eligible for rebate in the Home Performance Program.

What are some cost-effective improvements that I can make to my home?

Depending on the home, improvements may include sealing gaps, cracks and other leaks that let outside air into your home. Recommendations for energy saving work may include adding attic insulation and sealing and insulating ductwork that runs through the attic or crawlspace. Improvements may also include repairing or replacing old or poorly functioning heating systems and water heaters.

Can a customer use any contractor or only a participating contractor in the Home Performance Program?

The Home Performance Program requires the work be completed by an approved member of the Appalachian Power Quality Contractor Network (QCN) in order to qualify for any potential rebates. Click here to find an approved contractor.

Do I still qualify for the rebate if I buy my electricity from a supplier other than Appalachian Power?

In order to qualify for the Home Performance Program, you must be an individually metered residential customer of Appalachian Power with an active account in West Virginia.

I am a commercial customer. Can I get an upgrade on my HVAC equipment?

At this time, the Home Performance Program is open to residential customers only. 

If a house is sold, may the new owner participate in the Home Performance Program if the previous owner participated as well?

Yes. Participation is defined by the homeowner and property address. If the new homeowner would like to participate in Home Performance, he or she can click here or call the contact center at 1-888-261-4567 for full program details and restrictions.

If a homeowner makes eligible upgrades not recommended on the Home Performance Report, may they receive a rebate?

Yes, a homeowner can receive rebates for upgrades not recommended on the report. However, these upgrades only qualify if they are on the chart below, and they must be completed by an approved contractor.

Appalachian Power West Virginia Home Performance Program Customer Rebates

Low-Income Weatherization Program

What is the Low-Income Weatherization Program?

The Low-Income Weatherization Program provides weatherization products and services to residential customers in need to help reduce their energy bills and improve their homes’ comfort. Appalachian Power provides funding for this program to help supplement the state and federal income qualified weatherization programs.

Am I eligible?

To determine if you qualify for the West Virginia energy assistance program, contact a local community action agency in your county of residence.  You can call 304-558-2234 or 211, visit the West Virginia Development Office, or fill out a benefit application

When you apply for an energy assistance program through an agency, you are also applying for this program. Be sure to let the intake worker know you’d also like to participate in the weatherization program.

Local community action agency weatherization offices throughout the state take applications for weatherization assistance and determine whether or not a dwelling unit and its residents are income eligible for weatherization assistance. 

How do I apply?

To apply, call or visit your local Community Action Agency that serves the county where you reside. To find your local community action agency, visit the office and click on the "Weatherization" tab, or call 1-304-558-2234. You may also call 211.

Application form usually takes about 20 minutes.

You must have written documented proof of all gross income for the year prior to application.

The agency also asks a small number of questions about your household, such as the number of people living in the home, date of construction, utility providers and account numbers, etc.

If you are eligible, your weatherization agency puts you on a waiting list for additional contact and further energy estimation/audit assessments, and a waitlist for actual services. Please note, if you rent, you must first get permission from your landlord to have weatherization performed.

Do you have a list of weatherization providers you can provide?


Judy Raveaux, CEO
David Ruhl, Weatherization Coordinator
3136 West St, Weirton, WV 26062
(304) 797-7733
(Marshall, Ohio)

Coalfield Community Action Partnership, Inc.

Tim Salmons, Executive Director
Joey Hayes, Weatherization Coordinator
P.O. Box 1406, Williamson, WV 25661
(800) 234-1706
(Boone, Clay, Kanawha, Mingo)

Community Action of Southeastern WV (CASE WV)

Mary Turner, Executive Director
Kim Bourne, Weatherization Coordinator (304) 809-3053
355 Bluefield Ave, Bluefield WV 24701
Tammy Byers (304) 809-3055
Toll Free (866) 556-0780
(Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh, Summers)

MountainHeart Community Services, Inc.

Dreama Padgett, Executive Director
Gerald Brown, Weatherization Coordinator
P.O. Box 1509, Oceana, WV 24870
(304) 682-8271
(Fayette, Wyoming)

Nicholas Community Action Partnership, Inc.

Angie Williams, Executive Director
Cindy Foster, Weatherization Coordinator
1205 Broad St, Summersville, WV 26651
(304) 872-8297

PRIDE Community Services, Inc.

Lisha Whitt, Executive Director
Steve Gilman, Deputy Director
Kevin Edwards, Weatherization Coordinator
P.O. Box 1346, Logan, WV 25601
(304) 752-6868
(Logan, McDowell)

Southwestern Community Action Council, Inc.

Dwight Coburn, CEO
Connie Sherrill-Drake, Weatherization Coordinator
540 5th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701
(304) 781-0651
(Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, Putnam, Wayne)

Low-Income Multifamily Program

What is the Low-Income Multifamily Program?

The Low-Income Multifamily Program reduces energy consumption by educating residential customers about the energy — and money — saving benefits associated with energy efficiency in the home. The program targets opportunities that are proven to save energy, reduce consumption and protect the health and safety of occupants while helping to lower their electric bills.

What is considered a multifamily home?

A multifamily home is any residential property that contains more than one housing unit, such as a duplex, a townhome, or an apartment complex.

What is the difference between a multifamily and single-family home?

The main difference between single family and multifamily homes is the number of residences they contain. Single-family homes have just one dwelling unit, whereas multifamily properties have multiple units. 

You may hear multifamily homes called duplexes, triplexes, or quadplexes, which refers to the number of units they contain. Each unit within a multifamily home has its own kitchen, bathroom, utility meter, address, and entrance. This enables the families that reside there to live separately, even though they share common walls and a roof. 

Although multifamily homes have several units, one person usually owns the entire property.

Do I qualify for the multifamily program?

A minimum of 66% (50% for any buildings under 5 units) of the dwelling units in the building are occupied by a family unit whose annual gross household income from all sources does not exceed 200% of OMB poverty guidelines per household family size. Click here to view income limits by size of family unit. Only property owners, not individuals, can apply for the program.

Who is Community Housing Partners?

Building on a long-standing tradition of environmental, economic, and social responsibility, Community Housing Partners (CHP) Energy Solutions is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works with private and public partners to develop and preserve award-winning homes and neighborhoods. Together with partners, they revitalize communities, foster stability for residents and promote a healthier planet for future generations.

CHP delivers a wide range of services, including real estate development, construction, energy services and training, asset management, property management, realty and homeownership and comprehensive resident services.

What is the relationship between Community Housing Partners and Appalachian Power?

Community Housing Partners (CHP) serves as Appalachian Power’s implementation vendor and primary contractor for their Virginia income-qualifying weatherization programs. CHP and Appalachian Power’s partnership took shape in 2014 while piloting a multifamily weatherization project in Pearisburg, VA. In 2015, CHP began implementing Appalachian Power’s Virginia Low-Income Single-Family Weatherization Program, coordinating with 11 weatherization providers operating in Appalachian Power’s Virginia service territory which has continued to this date. Using the same effective strategy, in 2021, CHP began implementing Appalachian Power’s Virginia Low-Income Multifamily Weatherization Program.

When will someone from Community Housing Partners respond to my survey?

Community Housing Partners will respond to your survey submission within a few weeks.

Is there an occupancy limit per household?

A minimum of 66% (50% for any buildings under 5 units) of the dwelling units in the building are occupied by a family unit whose annual gross household income from all sources does not exceed 200% of OMB poverty guidelines per household family size.

What are the income limits?

You can view the income limits by size of family unit here. 

What energy upgrades may be performed on my home?

Eligible upgrades may include energy efficient lighting, electric water heating measures, HVAC repair, replacement and/or maintenance, insulation and air sealing and health and safety upgrades.

Can you replace my heating/cooling system?

Eligible upgrades may include HVAC repair, replacement and/or maintenance should it be determined necessary during the inspection and audit.

Peak Reduction Program

What is the Peak Reduction Program?

The peak reduction program is a demand response program that enables Appalachian Power to cycle the compressor on/off within 15 -minute intervals during peak summer days when the forecast calls for high load on the power grid.

When and how often will Appalachian Power cycle the compressor on my air conditioner?

It only happens in the summer on days we expect very high load on the power grid, which occurs May through September. Events typically occur between the hours of 3 and 6 p.m. and never occur on holidays or weekends.

What happens if I need to replace my air-conditioning unit and there is a device on it?

Simply call 888-261-4567 and request for the device to be removed. Once the new unit is installed, we will come back and place it on the new system.

How much is the incentive for this program? How do I get it?

You will receive up to $40 per year ($8 for each month you are enrolled during the months of May through September) for each central cooling unit participating in the program. A check for the months of participation will be mailed to the customer at the end of each October after the summer cooling season ends. You may contact 888-261-4567 with any questions.

Appliance Rebates

What is the status of my rebate?

Please allow up to eight (8) weeks for rebate processing. If you have not received your rebate in that time frame, please call 1-888-261-4567.

Does my home appliance qualify for a rebate?

You can view all available rebates by visiting our rebates page.

How do I apply for a rebate?

You can submit a rebate most quickly by clicking here. You also can submit a rebate application by mail — simply download and print the appropriate form from here or visit a participating local retailer to obtain a rebate tear sheet.

I purchased my appliance last year; do I still qualify for a rebate?

Unfortunately, the program guidelines state that purchases must be between 01/01/2022 and 12/31/2023 and rebates submitted within 45 days of purchase or by January 15th of the following year, whichever comes first.

My receipt says my name, but the bill is in (another family member’s) name, do I still qualify?

Yes. Just be sure to fill out the rebate form in its entirety, including the account number and all model information such as number and purchase date.

Bring Your Own Thermostat Program

What is Appalachian Power’s Bring Your Own Thermostat (BYOT) program?

  • Appalachian Power’s BYOT program is a voluntary program for Appalachian Power residential electric customers who have eligible smart thermostats connected to their central air conditioning and WiFi.
  • When summer temperatures climb, demand for electricity increases and can cause strain on the grid. Appalachian Power’s Bring Your Own Thermostat program is designed to help reduce energy use during times of high energy demand. This decreases the use of less efficient and more expensive power sources. That’s good for the environment, and it helps keep energy costs low for everyone.
  • Participants agree to brief adjustments of a few degrees to their thermostats during peak electric demand periods from May 1 through Sept. 30. Adjustments to your thermostat typically last no more than four hours and will not occur on weekends or holidays, except in the event of a system emergency.
  • Participants will receive a one-time $50 e-gift card per thermostat after successfully enrolling in the program. In addition, participants will receive up to a $25 e-gift card each year for each central cooling unit enrolled ($5 per month May – Sept) at the end of the program season.

How will I know if I’m eligible to enroll?

To be eligible to enroll, you must:

  • Be an Appalachian Power WV residential electric customer and the electric service is in your name
  • Use an eligible internet-connected smart thermostat for cooling
  • Allow Appalachian Power to make brief, small thermostat adjustments on days of high energy demand

What is my enrollment incentive?

You will receive a one-time $50 e-gift card per thermostat after successfully enrolling in the program.

When will I receive the $50 e-gift card for enrolling in the program?

You will receive your $50 e-gift card within 60 days of being accepted into the program. The $50 e-gift card will be sent to the email address used to register your smart thermostat.

How do I receive the $25 e-gift card annual participation incentive?

You will receive up to one $25 e-gift card ($5 per month May through Sept) per central cooling unit enrolled at the end of the program season each year that you are enrolled in the program. The e-gift card will be sent to the email address used to register your smart thermostat.

Which thermostats qualify for the program?

Provider Approved Thermostats Trane ComfortLink Control; RCS Z-Wave Communicating Thermostat; GoControl Z-wave Thermostat; Smart Thermostat; 2GIG Z-Wave Plus Battery Powered Thermostat; Trane Z-Wave Thermostat; Linear Thermostat
ecobee ecobee3, ecobee3 Lite, ecobee4, ecobee Smart, ecobee SmartThermostat with voice control
Emerson Sensi Wi-Fi Programmable Thermostat, Sensi Touch Wi-Fi Thermostat
Honeywell Home Wi-Fi Smart Color Thermostat, Wi-Fi 7-Day Programmable Thermostat, Wi-Fi 9000 7-Day Programmable Thermostat, 9000 Smart Thermostat, 7-Day Programmable Smart Thermostat, VisionPro 8000 Smart Thermostat, Round Smart Thermostat, T5+ Smart Thermostat, T6 Pro Smart Thermostat, T9 Smart Thermostat, T10 Smart Thermostat
Google Nest Google Nest Thermostat, Google Nest Learning Thermostat, Google Nest Thermostat E

Where can I find the Terms & Conditions for this program?

You can find the program terms and conditions for all thermostat providers below:

Provider Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions
ecobee Terms and Conditions
Emerson Terms and Conditions
Honeywell Home Terms and Conditions
Lux Terms and Conditions
Google Nest Terms and Conditions
Vivint Terms and Conditions

How do I sign up for Appalachian Power’s program?

Confirm your eligibility for the program by answering these three questions:

  • Are you an Appalachian Power residential electric customer?
  • Do you use an eligible, internet-connected thermostat to control your central air conditioning?
  • Will you allow the program to make brief, small thermostat adjustments on high energy demand days or in the event of a system emergency?

If you answered yes to these three questions, please choose whether you have a thermostat to enroll in Appalachian Power’s program or if you would like to purchase a new, qualifying thermostat.

  • If you have an existing thermostat, please select your thermostat among the eligible models. Then, click the Enroll Now button to go to your thermostat’s enrollment site, where you will follow a series of simple steps to enroll.
  • If you don’t have an existing eligible thermostat, please choose a model, purchase and install it. Once you have installed and activated, come back to enroll your new thermostat in the program.
  • Once your eligibility is confirmed by Appalachian Power, you will be enrolled in the program. You will receive notification on your enrollment status via email using the address provided in your account registration.

How will I know that a temperature adjustment is in progress?

Depending on your thermostat provider, notifications will appear on the thermostat or in your web/mobile application.

How will my thermostat be adjusted?

  • At the start of an adjustment event, your thermostat will be automatically adjusted by a few degrees above the current temperature setting.
  • The event will typically last less than four hours. There will be no events on weekend or holidays.

Will participating in the program compromise my comfort?

Only on event days, your thermostat will be adjusted by a few degrees. Your participation is voluntary and you will retain control of your thermostat. You can easily opt out of an event for any reason.

Am I allowed to opt out of thermostat adjustment events?

Yes. During an event, you can opt out from your thermostat, mobile device or web app.

What should I do if I no longer want to participate in the program?

Send an email to, requesting to end your participation in the program. Once you have been taken off the program, your thermostat(s) will no longer be controlled and you will not receive the annual participation incentive.

What if I have additional questions about the program?

Please email

Small Business Direct Install Program

How can I learn more about the Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) Program?

To find out more reach out to a program representative by calling 1-855-242-6645 or emailing

What is the Small Business Direct Install (SBDI) Program?

The SBDI program provides targeted, cost-effective energy efficiency measures to small business customers and encourages owners to consider installing additional energy efficiency measures with rebates from Appalachian Power.

Small Business customers participate in the Quick Energy Check-Up (QEC) to identify energy and cost saving opportunities.

Go Electric Program

Why is Appalachian power offering this program?

The Go Electric Program provides financial incentives to Appalachian Power customers in West Virginia. This initiative encourages replacing fossil fuel (heating oil, gasoline, diesel, propane) equipment with electric alternatives.

Why should I consider switching to electric equipment alternatives?

By participating in this program, you can lower your energy costs, reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Does my electric equipment qualify for a rebate?

You can view all available rebates by visiting our rebates page.

How do I apply for a rebate?

You can apply for a rebate in our application portal here.

What is the status of my rebate?

You can track the status of your rebate in the application portal here. You can also call 1-855-242-6645.

I purchased my equipment last year; do I still qualify for a rebate?

No, rebates must be submitted within 45 days of purchase or by January 15th of the following year, whichever comes first.

Is there a limit to how many items I can receive a rebate for?

There is no set limit on the number of items you can receive a rebate for, however, it must be a reasonable amount based on the size of your home or business.

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

If you need more information or have questions about TakeCharge’s programs and rebates, please reach out.

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