Low Income Multifamily Program

The Family That Saves Together

The Low Income Multifamily Program reduces energy consumption by educating residential customers about the energy — and money — saving benefits associated with energy efficiency in the home. The program targets opportunities that are proven to save energy, reduce consumption and protect the health and safety of occupants while helping to lower their electric bills.

Click below to see if your property qualifies and fill out our survey for the program. For additional questions or to learn more, please contact Community Housing Partners at 888-229-3714.

Do I Qualify?

Take our Survey

Line of row houses on a sunny day
Illustration of a man and woman with large dollars and coins

Who is eligible for this program?

  • Those in individually metered multifamily dwellings within Appalachian Power’s West Virginia territory.
  • A minimum of 66% (50% for any buildings under 5 units) of the dwelling units in the building are occupied by a family unit whose annual gross household income from all sources does not exceed 200% of OMB poverty guidelines per household family size. View income limits by size of family unit.
  • The applicant has received cash assistance payments under Title IV of XVI of the Social Security Act during the preceding twelve months.
  • The HUD-DOE approved multifamily list.

How it Works

Scroll through the steps below or visit our Low Income Multifamily FAQs.

Low Income Multifamily FAQs

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

If you need more information or have questions about TakeCharge’s programs and rebates, please reach out.

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