Go Electric Program

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Electric bikes

Electrify Your Savings

The Go Electric Program provides financial incentives to Appalachian Power residential and small commercial customers in West Virginia. This initiative encourages replacing fossil fuel (heating oil, gasoline, diesel) equipment with electric alternatives. By participating in this program, you can lower your energy costs, reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Some electric product types include:

  • Electric leaf blower
  • Electric trimmer
  • Electric chainsaw
  • Electric lawnmower
  • E-bike

See all eligible equipment

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Woman using an electric lawnmower
Stacking Coins

Who is eligible for this program?

  • Residential customers in the Appalachian Power West Virginia service territory
  • Small business customers (peak demand of 200kW or less) in the Appalachian Power West Virginia service territory

How it Works

Scroll through the steps below to learn more or visit our Go Electric FAQs.

Appliances Available for Online Rebates

  • Electric Leaf Blower $10 each
  • Electric Trimmer $10 each
  • Electric Chainsaw $10 each
  • Electric Lawnmower $55 each
  • E-Bike $15 each
  • E-Bike - Battery Charger - D.O.E. Compliant $10 each
  • Portable Power Station $55 each
  • L2 EV Charger $300 each
  • Residential Only - Heat Pump Water Heater - Integrated $220 each
  • Residential Only - Heat Pump Water Heater - Split-system $380 each
  • Residential Only - Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Replacing Propane/Oil Baseline $620 each
  • Residential Only - Air Source Heat Pump Replacing Propane/Oil Baseline $2,390 each

*Incentive received cannot exceed the cost of the equipment.

Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

If you need more information or have questions about TakeCharge’s programs and rebates, please reach out.

Email us for more information